Superman and Phone booth

Superman returns but he may be in trouble to find a quiet place to change his super suit. Because phone booth is disappearing from street.
Once it is common cityscape you can find every modern city in the world but landline phone companies realize phone booth is not their revenue venue any more and decide to retreat from street.
Anyway Superman still need a place to change his cloth and I also need a quiet place to make a call with my mobile phone from noisy street. We share same concern for privacy.
Otherwise vandalism may be great danger to phone booth. Often it is filled with waste and dirty advertisement. Box type phone booth with door is often not a pleasant place.
Can it be saved and survive as a public instant private space just like a public toilet?
Michael Salemi who invented new in-door phone booth think he can find a new market opportunity. In US, there is over 700,000 restaurant and 40,000 night clubs. Phone booth is great place to keep privacy for their guest. Salemi’s Cell Zone cost $2400~$3500.
I believe people still need a phone booth though telcos doesn’t need it anymore.
Mobile phone service company may be new sponsor. Indoor phone booth is more safe and clean than outdoor phone booth which is hard to manage.
Mean and tools may be changed as time goes but people’s basic need is not changing easily. Every body including Superman need a temporary privacy in public space for some times. It is just time to evolve.
USA Today article: The Phone Booth Returns