Browsing Corridors

I could observe some interesting things from there.
- Pick some interesting books but left out in other place before checkout. It may be trouble to shop manager.
- Pick a book from bottom of stacks. It may be cleaner.
- Usually book shoppers don't use any container or cart. Carrying books by hands before checkout. Of course, it is hard to see a big cart at bookstore (At least in Korea) Some times it weights really heavy for me (It could be a reason for observation 1)
- Experienced book adviser is really handy. People often have only vague keyword or slightly wrong author name to find a book.
- I saw an advertisement before bookstore by online-book store. “Browse books in Kyobo but buy book in discounted price at ####.COM from home” But how can I avoid impulse buying? And people enjoy reading new book on the way back to home at train or bus.