Origin of Korean's Geekness

Why Koreans are so crazy about electric contraptions such as mobile TV + phone? This 41 years old cartoon may explain what is source of their geekness. My hero cartoonist Mr. Jungmoon Lee created this vision for a kid magazine "Sae-So-Nyun"(For New Boy) in 1965. It shows an imaginary life style in AC2000. Going school camp at Moon by rocket is not realized yet (still need multi million dollars) but you can see a guy who hold mobile television plus mobile phone and saying "Hello!". Did he predicted well or made a way to this?

1. Solar powered home (Not popular yet)
2. Radio newspaper (Realized. That's Internet!)
3. Computer can do everything (Never)
4. School camp at Moon (Not yet)
5. Electric car (Realized but still need some time)
6. No pollution (Not realized)
7. Robot janitor (Realized but still expansive)
8. Moving road (Interior version available)
9. Home medication (No)
10. Study at home with TV (You can but still need to go school)
11. Recipe on kitchen TV (Realized but my mother never use that)
12. Mobile TV phone (Perfectly realized!)


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