One day I spend my time with my new MacBook at Starbucks. Actually there is another people who use Macbook at the Starbucks located in Jungja-dong, Bundang, Korea. I just tried to search Bluetooth device nearby and found a girl's name who is seating behind me probably. I could know her name and her digital address. If I want to send a note, it is possible. You know, you can't do that through your mobile network. It can make a connection with any one in the world but it is useless to send a message to a girl overthere. A young saudi man actually use this Bluetooth flirting method to be connected with a girl. In kingdom of Saudi Arabia, there is cultural barrier between boys and girls. Even a religious police can arrest a guy who violate the rule of local culture. (I hope it is a joke) But it is about a human nature. A young man is designed to fall in love with a glance from a girl. Isn't it romantic or pathetic? Of course, you can just walk to the girl and ask to go out toge...