Digitalized old tool

Probably, we all at least once play a doctor with a Stethoscope. But not many using one in daily work life. It is old tool but relatively new tool. The stethoscope was invented in France in 1816 by René Laennec. In 60ies, David Liitman, a M.D., reinvent it which is reputed for its acoustic performances in auscultation. Later 3M acquired the company but still the brand name is 3M-Littmann stethoscope. It is still a perfect gift for graduating M.D. students.
3M-Littmann Stethoscope.
Click image to see product page

 In 21c, of course, there is a digital version. You can use your own headset(3.5mm plug) for auscultation. It has audio filter and audio amplifier. But disappointingly, it still doesn't have a heater. So still nice doctor should warm it before hearing. 

Digital Stethoscope.
Click image to see product page


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