Stupid Mob

A strange and stupid thing often happen at a summer night. Last 14 Aug, It was really hot, humid night. Two teenagers have a fight at Kang nam station. (Most crowded area in Korea).
Their argument was started from a bulletin board of where is famous for source of weird internet trend in Korea. It is started from criticizing the other guy's on fashion sense in bad words. For this stupid flash mob event, a guy makes a poster and gathered gallery take photos and distributed instantly. It attracts big media's attention as well. All major TV and news medias report about it and explain what is "Hyun-Pi"(Game player killing in real world).
How can this a foolish kid fight be a big news? The movie "Fight Club" spoiled these kids or the internet community site?
Interestingly, the bulleting board where they met was about "Fashion" and a smart guy makes a T shirt printed with the fight scene.
SBS news