Smart Air Travel

My favorite trouble free trouser for air travel. No rivet and no buckle. Giordano.
I loved air travel. But the design of air travel system is not evolving since 70ies and even it is getting worse in terms of user experience.
TSA (Transportation Security Administration) of USA announced new security procedure. No liquid or gel like product is allowed any more. As long as Laptop PC and iPods is still allowed, it's OK for me. But I just wonder it is an effective way. 911 terrorist used a simple knife you can buy in any stationery store.
OK, anyway, as an experienced business traveler. I can share my tips for you.
1. Wear Jersey pants (training wear,츄리닝) rather than riveted jean with metal buckle.
2. Don't bring any sharp tools including wine opener. It's really sad for wine lover like me. So I have to buy T shaped opener every time and dump in hotel room. (But Eyeglass Repair Tools is allowed for carrying on)
3. Charge your iPod/mobile/ any electronics battery always. Often security guard asks you turn it on for checking if it is mockup bomb or not.
*** Special warning for designers: Ask a privacy checkpoint in when you have a design mock up. Actually it will be safer from other people's eye & touch as well.
4. It's really sad story for macho man but please don't raise mustache without any special reason.
5. Don't buy any venture company stock that develops liquid fuel battery for a while.
*** Special tip for a Ninja: you can bring 'Throwing Stars" if you put it in checked-in luggage. Not a joke.
And... Following is my extreme scenario for future air travel in safe.
1. Shower gate: You have to have shower after check in. And you change to an uniform and slipper provided by airlines. It may be not that bad. Once I had bad experience with a smelly guy who is seating next to me for 2 hours. I just hope to have a chance for an arrival shower again.
2. Temporary tracking wrist belt: Stop calling my name in poor pronunciation any more in airport lounge. I can sacrifice my privacy for it. Why don't they just give a pager for tracking and calling a passenger? And if a checked in luggage and owner is not boarding together in the plane, you can find any trouble easily.
TSA Travel Assistant
Prohibited items (TSA)
BBC article
Nude cabin. Definetly not for any Muslim guys.