Only Kid Can Hear

I hate to say but we are growing older. As we grow older, physical ability such as eyesight is getting worse. Hearing ability is so as well. Human's audible spectrum is known as 20hz~20Khz but actually old person can't hear high frequency sound such as 17KHZ.
A British inventor, 39 years old Mr. Howard Stapleton invented "Kid Repellent" called Mosquito which generates high pitch tone to repell yound mischievous kid from a retail shop. It is just like a sound of Mosquito or "Headache sound". He said "It's very difficult to shoplift, when you have your fingers in your ears." It seems he share a same viewpoint of education with a Victorian man.
But another brilliant people utilize it and makes a mobile phone ringtone for kid. In class, student use it without teacher's attention.
Test it by yourself. Most of over 30ies couldn't hear 17Khz tone including myself. It may be not great for normal ringtone but may be useful for receiving message alert or morning call alarm which can wake your lazy son up in the morning.
This is an interesting story about a technology can be used for an experience and the oppisite way around at same time. Being good or evil is depending on creator's mind.
Try it by yourself and compare with older or younger friends. At 17Khz, some 27years old my colleague can hear the buzz but most of over 30 years old people in my office couldn't hear that. Please don't try this in public space. You should prepare a headset. You don't need to worry about that much. Even you can't hear that it doesn't mean you are missing a tune of music at all.
- Clip of 12 KHZ tone
- Clip of 13 KHZ tone
- Clip of 14 KHZ tone
- Clip of 15 KHZ tone
- Clip of 16 KHZ tone
- Clip of 17 KHZ tone
- Clip of 18 KHZ tone
Article about the kid repellent
International Herald Tribune Article
Metro's article about kid ringtone