The First Grab

Yesterday, I went to 'One year old' birthday party for daughter of my friends. The climax of the party was baby girl's first grab. It is traditional event called "Dol-Ja-Bi". At front of her, father and mother present their wish list items such as book, a bunch of cotton thread, pencil (Traditional) and stethoscope, PC mouse (recently popular items). Baby will try to grab one of interested item. It might be related with her potential future. For example, cotton thread stands for long live traditionally and mouse is skill for digital age. Finally, she grabbed toy stethoscope at first and book for next. We hope she could be a doctor someday.
Interestingly I found a guest baby boy who is 9 month old can’t grab anything yet. So I believe this event in the party is to present her ability to learn as human baby!
Otherwise I found an interesting video by Alan Kay in 1987. In the video lecture, he showed a 22 month girl who can use Macintosh computer. She can insert booting disc, boot computer, opens Mac paint, draws some circles and clear up/start new file… Apparently mouse was too big for her baby hand but certainly she controls it freely.
Almost every kid in the world seems have ability to learn how to control PC and TV by nature. But what is really needed for babies who will live in digital era? How we can teach them in new way? This is an overlapped area for user experience designer and pedagogist together.
By the way, good news! Prof. Seymour Papert is recovering from accident in Vietnam. I wish he becomes strong again soon.